Wouldn’t it be great that every time you purchased something you can get money back. And there are lots of opportunities out there that offers those incentives. Now most of the time you have to find those offers. Or they can be in your newspaper every Sunday in the form of coupons and ads. As a consumer that is great. Many people use gift cards as an incentive or just to say Thank You. But when you purchase those gift cards for stores or resturaunts; you pay the full amount. You may as well just hand that person cash.
But what if you had the opportunity yourself to offer incentives too. You can; if you own your own business. Whether you have a storefront or homebased business; you too can offer incentives.
I found this great opportunity that not only do I get to show business owners how to use this fantastic incentive, to increase their business. I get to use these for myself.
So, instead of paying that full price for a gas card or any other gift card, you can offer certificates that are in the denominations of $50, $100, $150, $250, $300, $450 & $500 for less. Please go to my website www.yougetagift.com for more info and to fill out the contact form.
Why use these incentives…
As I mentioned earlier that everyone loves a rebate. I know I do. Depending on your business, they can be used several ways. Here a few samples:
1. Networking: You can offer free gas or groceries when you sign up a new member,
distributor or broker.
2. Restaurants: This works well with a valued customer reward program.
3. Banks: You can offer free gas or groceries when you open an new account.
4. Hotels: You can offer free gas or groceries with a few night stay.
Who else benefits by giving away Gas & Grocery Certificates?
• Furniture Outlets
• Tires Stores
• Mattress Dealers
• Car Dealerships
• Boat, and RV Dealers
• ...and your business.
Service Providers...
• Tradeshow & Seminars
• Door-to-Door Marketing
• Chiropractors
• Pharmacies
• Carpet Cleaners
• ...and your business.
• Churches, Schools, & Clubs
• Other Non-Profit Groups
• Contest Prizes
Employee Benefits...
• Sales Contest Incentives
• Attendance & Safety Awards
But what if you had the opportunity yourself to offer incentives too. You can; if you own your own business. Whether you have a storefront or homebased business; you too can offer incentives.
I found this great opportunity that not only do I get to show business owners how to use this fantastic incentive, to increase their business. I get to use these for myself.
So, instead of paying that full price for a gas card or any other gift card, you can offer certificates that are in the denominations of $50, $100, $150, $250, $300, $450 & $500 for less. Please go to my website www.yougetagift.com for more info and to fill out the contact form.
Why use these incentives…
As I mentioned earlier that everyone loves a rebate. I know I do. Depending on your business, they can be used several ways. Here a few samples:
1. Networking: You can offer free gas or groceries when you sign up a new member,
distributor or broker.
2. Restaurants: This works well with a valued customer reward program.
3. Banks: You can offer free gas or groceries when you open an new account.
4. Hotels: You can offer free gas or groceries with a few night stay.
Who else benefits by giving away Gas & Grocery Certificates?
• Furniture Outlets
• Tires Stores
• Mattress Dealers
• Car Dealerships
• Boat, and RV Dealers
• ...and your business.
Service Providers...
• Tradeshow & Seminars
• Door-to-Door Marketing
• Chiropractors
• Pharmacies
• Carpet Cleaners
• ...and your business.
• Churches, Schools, & Clubs
• Other Non-Profit Groups
• Contest Prizes
Employee Benefits...
• Sales Contest Incentives
• Attendance & Safety Awards
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